
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Cover The Night

Find a group of kids and head on down to any town on Friday, April 20th, for a wonderful night filled with spreading the word about Kony 2012. Cover the Night is brought to everybody, and made possible by the Invisible Children Foundation. Cover the Night is when people get up at 4:00 a.m. and go around to streets in towns and put posters of Joseph Kony and Kony2012 logos all around the town to get the word out to people about what is happening.

Cover the Night, can take place anywhere. It can just be in your room, or one window of a building, or maybe you have enough support to cover a small or large town. No matter where you can put posters up, it will spread the word to a few people, and that is what is important about Cover the Night.

“Yes, I think that it is a great idea to do Cover the Night.” said freshman, Natasha Martinmaas. Everybody that is a part of Cover the Night is helping to take down Kony and stop the LRA once and for all. They are a group of horrible, dreadful, kidnappers and rappers and they need to be brought to justice for their heinous acts.

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