
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Texting and Driving

Why text and drive when you know it's the leading cause of death? Texting and Driving is so much worse than drinking and driving. Texting and driving is the act of composing, sending, reading text messages, emails or making other similar use of the web on a mobile phone while operating a motor vehicle. Texting while driving leads to increased distraction behind the wheel. The risk of crashing while texting driving increases by 23 times, because reading or sending a text diverts the driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds which is the same as driving the length of a football field, blind, at 55 mph.

“It's bad for people to do but I think a lot of people do it because they think they are invincible”, said Hallie Shea. Many students think that there are a lot of teenagers that text behind the wheel. The teenagers that text behind the wheel really do think that they are invincible. Sophomore Karina Noem said “It seems like it would be a very difficult task to do so I don't know why people would do it. It's very dangerous and causes many deaths.”

People should start to put their phone out of reach so they can't reach it to text if they have a really bad habit of texting behind the wheel. If you really need to text while you're in the car, wait until you come to a complete stop at a stop sign or park along the side of the road.

People who think that telling the phone what to text is okay, but really it isn't at all. It takes time to say what you want them to text because the phone may not understand you so they are trying to focus more on the phone than on the road. It's really not worth your life to text behind the wheel.

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