Getting up in the morning is very difficult. Especially when the night before you stayed up way to late. It just gets in your system that you need to stay up late. The next morning you then realize that it was a bad idea that you stayed up late. The whole next day you are complaining that you are tired and that you are going to go to bed earlier. We all know that you go to bed maybe five or ten minutes earlier. The next morning your alarm goes off and you decide to hit snooze. You hit snooze a couple of times and you are like I am going to get up the next time your alarm goes off. Then you decide to go that you should get up. The morning is just a drag. If we all went to bed earlier we'd be ready for the next day. We all know that it's not going to happen. Teenagers stay up late, whether it's because they are texting, doing homework, or whatever they may be doing. Our brains don't normally work until nine in the morning. If you get up before then you are going to be slow and dragging around. I think that I should make my cappuccino every morning to give me the burst of energy that I need. I also need to learn how not to hit the snooze button on my alarm. The snooze button gets to me every time. I wish that we had a Starbucks or a little coffee shop, so I could just stop there and get my java fix. It wouldn't be very cost effective though. I think that I should learn how to make my own java beverages. I really like iced vanilla latte. I should find a good website that has a very easy and good recipe. I think that if you don't go to bed on time you need to learn to get up when your alarm goes off. You also need to find something that gives you energy.
The Deuel High School Birdwatcher Staff welcome you to our new online edition. We invite you to join in the conversation as our high school journalists venture into the blogosphere. Students write about what is going on in their lives at school, work, home and at play. Thanks for reading!
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.
Is this an idea for a student council fundraiser?