
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Semesters are just a week away!

Another week away and the high school is having semester testing for two days with about one and ten minutes long classes. Its time for the rush of getting everything done in this week so next week you have the time to study and to be out for the summer. Well pretty much most classes are having a test or a project in them. The only class i don't have a test in would be Ag and Comp/Speech. For ag we will just cleaning and welding a cube together with a stand and you have to make sure when you put water in it that it don't leak on you. And in Comp/Speech we are doing a 130 point speech due next and have to present them in out class. And rest i have a test that will be done during that time. Its going to be a pretty slow week trying to get everything studied for and being ready when the test time comes.

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