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Monday, March 21, 2011

Crazy Day's: numero uno

Today is Monday, March 21, 2011. It is the first day of my busy week, and I don't know how I manage to fit all of my activities into one day. It seems as if I never stop and just rest from the time that I get up, to the time that I get home. So, here goes, tell me what you think of this schedule?

This morning my day started at 6:15, it would have started at 6 had I not taken a shower the night before. My morning don't always start at six but this one did because we had play practice today. After getting up I got ready and ate breakfast. I saw my mom for a little while and was headed off to play practice.

On my way to play practice, I passed my dad. He probably didn't exactly know it was me, seeing as it was still dark out at the time. I got to the school, for play practice, around 6:50, play practice starts at 7. As everyone arrived to play practice we got started and went through the whole play by eight, when the first school bell rang for the day.

Once I got to my locker and put all of my things in it, I put my stuff in my homeroom and went to the Monday morning meeting. This is held every week to give us the agenda for the upcoming days. After that I went back to homeroom, followed by biology, then spanish, then study hall. After going to study hall it was finally lunch time at 11:35. After lunch, at 12, I went to algebra, then comp/speech, followed by geography, and lastly journalism.

After I left journalism class for the day I went to my locker to gather up my things and go to track practice. I went and got ready and sat in the gym until 4 when track practice actually starts. We did our 10 minute warm-up of running and then stretched. We got to have a workout today of 10 200m sprints. Let me just say that was not fun at all.

As I walked back into the gym I stretched, so as not to get tight, and went to the locker room to get my stuff to head to gymnastics practice. The first thing we went to was bars, then beam, next vault, and lastly floor. The reason we managed to go to every event was because we were there until 8:30.

The last thing I did before I came, on this fine day was go tanning. I went to year round brown and tanned for 7 minutes. It is very relaxing going tanning, especially after a long day like the one I was having. After tanning I drove to my house.

Once I got to my house I had to wait about 11 minutes to get my supper. After supper I went into my room, where I almost always go to, and did my homework. After completing all of the homework I had for the day I finally got to go to bed for the night.

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