Do you really care what others think about how you look? Some teenagers struggle with self-esteem. Most high schoolers think that you have to look nice so that others like you. Also some people are self conscious, but the most important thing that we need to know is that we are who we are and looks do not show who you really are. When you watch TV and you see ads for people trying to sell beauty products to you, do you see "pretty" girls and "handsome" guys, or do you see people without makeup on? Of course you see the pretty people because these days, its human nature to think that you have to be pretty or cute to have others notice you, but the truth is just being yourself is enough!
Another issue with teenage appearance is how our body looks, how much we weigh, and what others think of us. There are many different types of people in the world and that is not a bad thing. I think that everyone is good the way they are. Some people make jokes about other people and how they look and sometimes they do not even know if it hurts, or how much it hurts the other person, which is not good. I think that everyone needs to watch what they say because you never know how some people will take it. I also think that we all need to just be ourselves and hopefully people will like us for who we are.
so true!