
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

10% Budget Cuts

Governor Dennis Daugaard plans on cutting ten percent to state aid school districts next year. With doing this, Daugaard thinks it will reduce state spending by about $47 million. Schools will lose another $13 million if school property taxes are cut to keep the ratio of state and local funding constant. Teachers and other staff members will have to be laid off possibly because of this budget. To read more about the budget cuts and to keep updated on this topic go to Keloland.com. I think that many schools, especially smaller schools, will be affected by these budget cuts and it might be hard but it is the right thing to do for the state of South Dakota. But the thing I don't get is that they want us to excel in school and to do our best, how are we suppose to do that if they want to take money away from our school? Then with our law about no child left behind, I'm sure that some kids will be left behind because of it too. I don't see why they can't find something else to make budget cuts from rather than our future and education.

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