The photo on the right (L to R) is Matt Hotzler and That Karuse showing off their new FFA apparel.
The future of farming is looking bright with these FFA members.
Tyler Bjerke has been in FFA for three years now and is involved in Ag mechanics. Bjerke took an interest in FFA when he took an Ag class. His favorite memory for FFA was going to the National Convention in Indianapolis. After high school Bjerke plans to go to LATI for architecture.
This is Matt Hotzler's second year in FFA and he is also involved in Ag mechanics. “I got involved because I wanted to be one of those cool kids with a blue jacket,” said Hotzler. Hotzler is unsure what his future plans are.
Anthony Moore has been in FFA for four years and is involved in Livestock judging. His favorite FFA memory is the FFA dance his sophomore year. Moore's future plans are to farm.
Ryan Effling has been in FFA for 3 year and joined because it was tradition. He is involved in land judging and business management CDE. “My favorite memory while in FFA would be CDE's with Keith Konald because he would just pick up lines,” said Effling. After high school Effling plans to go to collage.
Jordan Monnier is in involved in livestock evaluation and he has been in FFA for four years. “I joined because its what all the cool did,” said Monnier. Monnier's favorite memory while in FFA is the bus rides to and from CDE's. Monnier is not sure what is future plans are.
Timothy Rossow has been in FFA for four years and is involved in range judging. After school Rossow is going to go to school to do something that he loves.
Brandi Hanten joined FFA this year and she isn't sure what she is involved in but she would like to do floriculture. Hanten is in Animal Science this year and thought it would be fun to join FFA. Her future plans are to go to SDSU to major in animal science/pre-vet.
Morgan Kjenstad is involved in Land and Dairy Judging and has been in FFA for two years. “I thought it would be a good thing to get in to and it would be a lot of fun” said Kjenstad. Her favorite memory of FFA was Dairy Judging at the State Convention. After high school Kjenstad plans to go to LATI for large animal and ag business.
This is Erika Thiewes's first year in FFA and she will be involved in dairy judging in the spring CDE's. Thiewes joined FFA because she was in ag class. Her future plans are to go to collage for nursing.
Hillary Lopez is also a first time FFA member. “A friend of a friend told us it was a blast and it looked like some fun,” said Lopez. Lopez isn't sure what she is going to do in FFA but is looking forward to making some memories. After high school Lopez is going to go to school.
This article will also be featured in the Clear Lake Courier.
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