
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's all about being a Social butterfly

Why is that when we are sitting right next to someone we feel the need hide ourselves by electronic devices. The most popular social networking site is Facebook followed by Myspace. These sites are used for pretty much everything. To meet new people, stay in touch with people you already know, and even to make plans. Facebook used to be limited to schools and college communities, but has recently been opened up a lot more.
Social Networking sites do have their ups and downs. Sure they are good for getting information out there and even getting help on school information. Though, the bad thing is most social networking sites are open to all people to see. Any one can see what you put out and there and know what your doing. I know personally thought that Facebook allows you block information from certain groups of people and allow information to others.
Not only do we use the internet a lot but we also like to use a hand dandy cellular device with which to text and call our peers. In other words a cell phone. It is one of the best inventions but maybe one of the worst also. The bad thing is people think it is okay to text whenever they get a text. But, texting while driving is not smart, it can cause crashes and just not end well.
A lot of people would use texting in order to talk to some one instead of just going and talking to that person. Why go and make face to face conversation when you can pick up this device, type what you want and get the some what same affect? The thing is, though, you can't get the same facial expression and emotion through a text. Sure you have smiley faces and such but it isn't the same as face to face conversation.
So next time you use a social networking site just think. Think about who can see what you put up there and they way you are conducting yourself on the internet. Once it is on the internet it is difficult to get it off. Also be careful where and when you are texting, you never know what can happen.

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