
The opinions expressed and links in the following posts are completed by Deuel High School students and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other students, teachers, the school board or administration of the School District. Please join in the conversation with the students as we encourage your thoughts and opinions as well. If you choose not to identify yourself, the comment may not be approved.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Second Times the Charm!

Here we go again! Another year of taking a 50 states test. In Mr. Rosdahls geography class he had us take a little quiz to see how much we remembered from our middle school year when we took this test. But there was a little twist to it was this quiz. We had to name the capital, and the twist was we had to name other larger cities in that state! There was only one person in this class that knew all but 3 or 4 cities out of all the 95 cities that he had picked out. That person was Luke Eide.

There will be one day when we will be taking the test of the 95 cities or more. In the picture above is to sophomore students, Alex Stein and Erin Benson, studying for the 95 city test.

If you want to give it a try to see how well you know you states and capital, click here

1 comment:

  1. Great photo, Jenna! I really like the pictures of students working in class!
